
Member since ‎Dec 26, 2022
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Stephen Coleman

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SColeman9 on January 18, 2025
I am trying to create a Run Rate% that estimates a revenue percent based on forecast with the following dataset properties: - Q1 QTD Sum : Sum of revenue numbers from about 100 companies - Days Elapsed in Q1 25 : a calculated dataset property (ve read more
SColeman9 on May 21, 2024
I am trying to import marketing form data from an export of submissions to a custom object I have created a custom object (called Marketing Forms) to track form activity Demos Webinars Ebook downloads Etc I created a many to read more
May 21, 2024
Thanks for responding - I think I figured out my issue
SColeman9 on May 20, 2024
We have numerous marketing forms but only one seems to populate when I create a contact based list or report to show "Form Name". This property is blank in all cases but one. I've also created a workflow which timestamps a form submission (e.g. demo read more
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December 04, 2023
Following my previous reply: In addition to contacts that have registered (left column) there is a property called Contacts (Attendees of an Event). more
December 04, 2023
I can create an active list with registered contacts. Is there a way I can automatically include actual attendees in the same list. - Thanks
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