
Member since ‎Dec 21, 2022
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Alex Templeman

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ATempleman on January 16, 2023
Hi there - I'm creating a KPI dashboard for our company, and one of the metrics is deals closed today vs yesterday. However since we do no work on Saturday and Sunday, this means the report isn't particularly helpful on Monday. Is there a way I read more
4 Replies
ATempleman on January 12, 2023
Hi there, Sorry if this is a really basic question, but I'm trying to create a report that will show the cumulative totals of deals that are 'won', and how that has improved day-to-day. I can get the cumulative total (deal probability = 1) b read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
January 12, 2023
Hi there - that doesn't give quite what I'm looking for. Ideally I want to be able to change the +/- numbers under each KPI to show what more
ATempleman on January 12, 2023
Hi there, Sorry if this is a really basic question, but I'm trying to create a report that will show the cumulative totals of deals that are 'won', and how that has improved day-to-day. I can get the cumulative total (deal probability = 1) b read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
January 12, 2023
Hi there - that doesn't give quite what I'm looking for. Ideally I want to be able to change the +/- numbers under each KPI to show what more
ATempleman on January 05, 2023
Hi there - I have a query which hopefully will be easy to solve. I'm trying to create a smart list to only include a single contact from each company. I've set up an associated label called 'Primary Contact', and assigned it to several contacts. read more
18 Replies
January 11, 2023
This is what I see. I'm trying to filter the list to find all contacts owned by me that have a specific associated label on them.
ATempleman on January 05, 2023
Hi there - I have a query which hopefully will be easy to solve. I'm trying to create a smart list to only include a single contact from each company. I've set up an associated label called 'Primary Contact', and assigned it to several contacts. read more
18 Replies
January 11, 2023
This is what I see. I'm trying to filter the list to find all contacts owned by me that have a specific associated label on them.
ATempleman on January 05, 2023
Hi there - I have a query which hopefully will be easy to solve. I'm trying to create a smart list to only include a single contact from each company. I've set up an associated label called 'Primary Contact', and assigned it to several contacts. read more
18 Replies
January 11, 2023
This is what I see. I'm trying to filter the list to find all contacts owned by me that have a specific associated label on them.
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