
Member since ‎Dec 21, 2022
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Francine Steininger

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MHuebsch on July 19, 2017
I would recommend having a built-in search and replace function. So you can search through all your blog posts and replace a certain word or phrase. For example, we renamed our company and now I have to go through all our blog posts, find every inst read more
36 Replies
January 26, 2024
Totally agree... it would be horrible to have to replace an abbreviation across many contacts individually. Please fix this or at least allow copy more
tosh on September 16, 2019
From the Contacts page, it would be helpful if we could create a filter that searches notes for specific keywords and then populates the list of contacts that have notes on their record with that keyword or keywords. For instance, if we create a read more
5 Replies
January 08, 2024
I think it would be great to just be able to search our contact columns using keywords (notes also would be excellent). But for now the search is more
flippyfloppies on September 01, 2020
There have been a lot of posts asking to freeze the first title row, but I'm surprised there's not more requests for freezing the first column, like you often do in Excel. Right now, I can edit the columns available to view under table actions ( read more
94 Replies
September 23, 2023
What check marks?
FrancineS on August 07, 2023
I still don't know WHERE to find the attachments. They don't seem attached to the email in hubspot.
1 upvote
13 Replies
August 07, 2023
OK, so attachments for incoming emails are not automatically saved when you log the email? That is a pity since obviously I already have the more
FrancineS on August 07, 2023
I still don't know WHERE to find the attachments. They don't seem attached to the email in hubspot.
1 upvote
13 Replies
August 07, 2023
OK, so attachments for incoming emails are not automatically saved when you log the email? That is a pity since obviously I already have the more
FrancineS on August 07, 2023
I still don't know WHERE to find the attachments. They don't seem attached to the email in hubspot.
1 upvote
13 Replies
August 07, 2023
OK, so attachments for incoming emails are not automatically saved when you log the email? That is a pity since obviously I already have the more
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