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Tiffany Utecht

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DiscoverTec on Dezember 13, 2017
Dear Hubspot, Why is there no integration with Outlook on a mobile device with the HubSpot mobile app? We even reached out to you directly to confirm there was no integration. Gmail integration is nice and all but for 99% of the business world that Beitrag ansehen
38 Antworten
Februar 14, 2023
This would be a game change for our field reps! Please help 🙂
michaeljay201 on April 25, 2022
The new auto-formatting and validation feature for phone numbers is a step in the right direction. However, the current integration seems to be missing the mark with regard to user experience. I was unable to find any articles or posts in the He Beitrag ansehen
Februar 07, 2023
At a very simple level, in other user experinces I have- I'm very accusstom to when I type in a 10 digit number it defaulting the format for me. For ...Beitrag ansehen
TUtecht on Dezember 16, 2022
We love the pre formed survey's you designed, as well as the custom surveys. However, the custom survey's are not as flexible as we would like. We would love to be able to design a custom survey with logic based questions. An example would be if a c Beitrag ansehen
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