
Member since ‎Dec 14, 2022
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Hugh Richardson

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HRich on December 22, 2023
Hello everyone, I need to find a way to report on HubSpot which person from which team was involved in which deal, contacts, companies, so we can calculate their commission at the end of the year. We have three teams involved, early read more
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3 Replies
December 22, 2023
Amazing, Thanks very much for all your help @karstenkoehler this year. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
HRich on December 22, 2023
Hello everyone, I need to find a way to report on HubSpot which person from which team was involved in which deal, contacts, companies, so we can calculate their commission at the end of the year. We have three teams involved, early read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
December 22, 2023
Amazing, Thanks very much for all your help @karstenkoehler this year. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
HRich on October 30, 2023
Hi everyone, I want to use the "annual revenue" HubSpot company field to record info, but it can only be set to one currency: the one you have selected on HubSpot as your company's currency. However, I would like to be able to switch between read more
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3 Replies
HRich on October 13, 2023
Hello everyone, I am creating reports, and I want to capture the count of the sale's team activity. I have a report that counts the amount of meetings, calls, emails sent to contact. But when I try to create one for "email reply from read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
October 18, 2023
Hi Diana, Just to clarify quickly, email replies are being logged on my HubSpot. But there are not being counted in the report I took more
HRich on October 17, 2023
Hello everyone, In reports, do calls always have to be associated with contacts on HubSpot to be counted? I logged a call recently in a company card, and did not associate it with any contacts linked to the company in question, so it was onl read more
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1 Reply
HRich on October 13, 2023
Hello everyone, I am creating reports, and I want to capture the count of the sale's team activity. I have a report that counts the amount of meetings, calls, emails sent to contact. But when I try to create one for "email reply from read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
October 18, 2023
Hi Diana, Just to clarify quickly, email replies are being logged on my HubSpot. But there are not being counted in the report I took more
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