
Member since ‎Dec 13, 2022
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Gaël Guerder

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Gael-G on September 05, 2024
Among the latest activities, it would be interesting to be able to postpone the date of the last e-mail (sent by a salesrep) into a report. For example, for a B2B activity, on a churn report. Column A : Company ✅ Column B : Churn date ✅ C read more
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lMIOTTINI on July 16, 2024
Bonjour, Je souhaite importer un fichier simple de contacts : nom - email La colonne email pose problème : erreurs direction email. Je pense que c'est ma colonne email dans mon fichier excel qui n'est pas bonne. mais je ne sais pas comment résoud read more
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July 22, 2024
Bonjour @lMIOTTINI , le problème rencontré peut être de différentes origines telles que : - problème de formatage des cellules - problème d' more
Gael-G on April 30, 2024
Currently, it is not possible to register an object, such as a ticket, when a set of tasks inherent to this ticket have been marked as completed. Including going through the task queue. Typically, this type of workflow can change the status read more
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Gael-G on April 29, 2024
The new integration between HubSpot and Shopify is suitable on a large number of points. But one point seems to have been excluded during the implementation by the teams, that of the synchronization of the Company object and associated orders be read more
7 Replies
Gael-G on November 21, 2023
Recently, HubSpot deployed (in France at least) the “Become a Partner Administrator” functionality. It is supposed to simplify the management of access to the portal for those who are responsible for the Partner. And therefore, prevent access to read more
ThiagoF on May 31, 2021
Hello everyone, we are relative new to Hubspot, and we came from another CRMs software that are more "restricted" in allowing users to delete information. We know there is the option in Hubspot to restrict user permission to delete objects, like tic read more
October 03, 2023
+1 Les autorisations permettent de limiter en édition au seul propriétaire d'une tâche mais pas aux autres activités (appel, réunion, e-mail, more
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