
Contributor | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Dec 2, 2022
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Michelle Massung

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KarolinaL on January 10, 2024
Our customers often have one department (or individual) processing the payment while another one needs to keep track of vendors and costs, they all would like to receive the payment receipts. It would be great if we could send the payment receip read more
2 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
October 02, 2024
Agreed! We have customers who are requesting this, as well. It would be helpful to not have to send this manually. And I don't see a way to build a more
09958 on September 01, 2023
Hello! It would be very nice if beside having the last update date for the form, in the report form, we could see also when was the last conversion date, that way we could check if a form that has a year is still converting. Thanks!
2 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
July 01, 2024
TrentonShaw on June 20, 2024
Hello, I'm struggling to find a way to get one screen to scroll through a series of dashboards. We're a comparatively small team with just the one screen to display dashboards in the office, but obviously have multiple dashboards for sales KPIs read more
Contributor | Platinum Partner
June 21, 2024
Just a thought to piggy back off what Jennifer said, what about using a browser extension that automatically switches between tabs? Then you could more
ElishaDignam on November 25, 2020
Currently, you're unable to delete Default HubSpot Comment Form within accounts. It would be great to be able to delete/ turn off for accounts this is not relevant for as many brands never have the comments turned on for their blogs.
1 Reply
Contributor | Platinum Partner
February 14, 2024
Agreed! In trying to keep a portal clean, the comment forms that will never be used are clutter.
Jems212 on January 20, 2017
Basically for each property I want 3 options to choose from: 1) Update value if blank 2) Append to value 3) Overwrite value Sample use case(s): Append Option: Notes Field I have a comments field on my contact form where someone sends us a query. read more
139 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
February 07, 2024
I'm definitely in need of this functionality, too. I would like to be able to append to a text field, just as you described, to not lose data more
ISaludes on October 17, 2023
Does HubSpot have a feature for capturing details of the user (who has fill out the form) but didn't submit the form?
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3 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
December 13, 2023
I'm interested in this functionality, as well - to be notified of form abandonment for KNOWN contacts that are already in HubSpot. So similar to how more
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