
Member since ‎Nov 28, 2022
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Tucker Fenwick

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Tucker1 on May 16, 2023
Hi all, I am wondering if there is a way to send automated text messages to contacts within HubSpot. If HubSpot does not have this feature built in, does anyone have suggestions for a secondary application that can accomplish this? A free option wou read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
May 17, 2023
@karstenkoehler Karsten, do you know if there is an application that allows to inbed automated LinkedIn and Text messages into HubSpot sequences? more
Tucker1 on May 16, 2023
Hi all, I am wondering if there is a way to send automated text messages to contacts within HubSpot. If HubSpot does not have this feature built in, does anyone have suggestions for a secondary application that can accomplish this? A free option wou read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
May 17, 2023
@karstenkoehler Karsten, do you know if there is an application that allows to inbed automated LinkedIn and Text messages into HubSpot sequences? more
Tucker1 on April 04, 2023
Hello all, I am hoping that someone has an easy fix for me here... I need to block certain teams from seeing other teams work. For example, I want team A to only have the ability be to see that team B and Team C are already working with a cert read more
4 Replies
April 04, 2023
Thank you @EmmaAtKiwi . Would the other team at least be able to see that the company / contact is owned by another team?
Tucker1 on April 04, 2023
Hello all, I am hoping that someone has an easy fix for me here... I need to block certain teams from seeing other teams work. For example, I want team A to only have the ability be to see that team B and Team C are already working with a cert read more
4 Replies
April 04, 2023
Thank you @EmmaAtKiwi . Would the other team at least be able to see that the company / contact is owned by another team?
Tucker1 on February 15, 2023
Hello all, I recently created my first workflow which allows my team members to receive an email if a contact has been out of sequence after a certain period of time in order to get contacts back into sequence when they should be.. I am curious read more
2 Replies
Tucker1 on February 14, 2023
I am looking to pull search lists of contacts or companies within Hubspot based on the companies geographic location. For example, I would like to pull a search of all contacts or companies that we have marked as "Qualified" within the "greater read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
February 15, 2023
Hey, @karstenkoehler . Thank you for the tip above. This was very helpful. I am now able to create an active list of companies that are within a 60 more
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