
Member since ‎Nov 28, 2022
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Alessandro Valentini

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Al_Qudo on November 24, 2023
For many of us, the biggest advantage of using the drag-and-drop page builder is the speed of deploying pages without needing developers. The challenge is that the CMS hub is quite complicated, and you're stuck if you don't have the technical k read more
November 24, 2023
Uh, sure! Basically all that's happening is that when I drag the module on the page it doesn't have any styling. In the screenshot, the first pink more
November 07, 2023
We're almost two years later, and didn't have any answer from the Hubspot team 😞
November 07, 2023
Thanks for replying! So, I cloned the button.module inside @hubspot . The only thing I changed in the code was adding a div around the button more
Al_Qudo on November 02, 2023
I wanted to add alignment to the button module. The default can't be edited, so I cloned it and added the centring and it works. The problem is that the custom module I created doesn't load the same styling the default module loads. Why is that? Is read more
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Al_Qudo on January 08, 2023
When creating Google Ads campaigns, one can only add one keyword at a time. Some sophisticated campaigns come with many keywords, and when you multiply that for each campaign, it becomes an extremely time-consuming task. Having the chance to bulk up read more
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