
Member since ‎Nov 28, 2022
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Michael Carreiro

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MCarreiro on February 07, 2024
Hello, I'm trying to use the Forms API to set my form's theme to "legacy" but I'm not having any luck. I'm using a PATCH to the URL below:{form_id} I'm receiving a 200 response, but the body does not read more
February 07, 2024
Going to close this. I didn't need to set my form to "legacy" to achieve what I needed. Instead, I could just set it to raw HTML and get the more
MCarreiro on February 07, 2024
Hello, I'm trying to use the Forms API to set my form's theme to "legacy" but I'm not having any luck. I'm using a PATCH to the URL below:{form_id} I'm receiving a 200 response, but the body does not read more
February 07, 2024
Going to close this. I didn't need to set my form to "legacy" to achieve what I needed. Instead, I could just set it to raw HTML and get the more
MCarreiro on January 22, 2024
Hello, We load our Hubspot Lead Capture forms within an iframe and have been doing so for a number of years. We noticed as recently as last week that our form stopped loading in Safari. All other browsers appear to load the form as expected. read more
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MCarreiro on October 12, 2023
Hello, We inherited a Hubspot account and App from an employee who is no longer with the company. From what I can tell, the Hubspot App appears to allow users to more easily set up automation workflows to filter the data we send into Hubspot from read more
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MCarreiro on November 28, 2022
Hello, We've been working with HubSpot Embedded Lead Forms for a few years now. In order to detect when lead forms has been submitted, we use the `onFormSubmit` event to trigger one of our own custom methods in a JavaScript wrapper. Beginning this read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
January 03, 2023
HI @Jaycee_Lewis , We haven't heard anything back with regards to this issue we experienced in November. Are there any updates or can we expect to more
MCarreiro on November 28, 2022
Hello, We've been working with HubSpot Embedded Lead Forms for a few years now. In order to detect when lead forms has been submitted, we use the `onFormSubmit` event to trigger one of our own custom methods in a JavaScript wrapper. Beginning this read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
January 03, 2023
HI @Jaycee_Lewis , We haven't heard anything back with regards to this issue we experienced in November. Are there any updates or can we expect to more
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