
Member since ‎Nov 23, 2022
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Wyatt Hawkins

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WHawkins3 on September 12, 2023
Hello, Is there an option to create a group email address from within HubSpot that could be used when CCing in an email. It would function to send multiple users within that group to receive the email reply. This would be ideal instead of hav read more
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2 Replies
September 13, 2023
Yes, thank you. I will go with that solution as my company usually does. First I wanted to check if HubSpot could do something like this as well. more
WHawkins3 on September 12, 2023
Hello, Is there an option to create a group email address from within HubSpot that could be used when CCing in an email. It would function to send multiple users within that group to receive the email reply. This would be ideal instead of hav read more
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2 Replies
September 13, 2023
Yes, thank you. I will go with that solution as my company usually does. First I wanted to check if HubSpot could do something like this as well. more
WHawkins3 on July 05, 2023
Our company is having issues with reconnecting our instagram account to HubSpot since the last expiration. We had some admins leave the organization and they no longer have access to our Facebook page to simply add another user. Is there a wa read more
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3 Replies
July 06, 2023
Regarding the conection of instagram, would I have to first disconnect both the exisitng expired integrations before proceeding?
WHawkins3 on July 05, 2023
Our company is having issues with reconnecting our instagram account to HubSpot since the last expiration. We had some admins leave the organization and they no longer have access to our Facebook page to simply add another user. Is there a wa read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
July 06, 2023
Regarding the conection of instagram, would I have to first disconnect both the exisitng expired integrations before proceeding?
WHawkins3 on May 24, 2023
I have a requirement to product some reporting to senior management based on customer call logs and I wanted to see if the following customizations (or similar) could be created. Export - Data Breaks by Row 1. Can the delimiters or field typ read more
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6 Replies
June 08, 2023
Thank you @HFisher7 ! This seems to have worked for our export for the initial needs. One question is if we could also have an aligned more
WHawkins3 on May 24, 2023
I have a requirement to product some reporting to senior management based on customer call logs and I wanted to see if the following customizations (or similar) could be created. Export - Data Breaks by Row 1. Can the delimiters or field typ read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
June 08, 2023
Thank you @HFisher7 ! This seems to have worked for our export for the initial needs. One question is if we could also have an aligned more
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