
Member since ‎Nov 18, 2022
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Alison Flaherty

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AFlaherty6 on July 31, 2024
When we first started using HubSpot we did not configure the Closed lost reason so it defaulted to multi-line text. Now we want to make it a dropdown but I can't change it because it indicates it has a value in 418 records. When I look at the record read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
July 31, 2024
Thank you for your reply. Yes, I am looking at an unfiltered view and am the admin on the account, so can see all records. I'll keep researching.
AFlaherty6 on July 31, 2024
When we first started using HubSpot we did not configure the Closed lost reason so it defaulted to multi-line text. Now we want to make it a dropdown but I can't change it because it indicates it has a value in 418 records. When I look at the record read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
July 31, 2024
Thank you for your reply. Yes, I am looking at an unfiltered view and am the admin on the account, so can see all records. I'll keep researching.
AFlaherty6 on July 01, 2024
I'm wondering if other professional services firms are using the Product functionality in HubSpot and how. I'd like to be able to add different services to a Deal, but our pricing varies depending on a number of things, so then do I have to create a read more
AFlaherty6 on June 01, 2023
I am trying to create a report to add to our Sales dashboard noting any time a deal is created over a certain threshold. We have pretty standard pricing and I want to make sure these outliers are noted and reviewed. Any guidance is appreciated.
AFlaherty6 on March 06, 2023
I am trying to create a workflow for a round-robin meeting to assign the Contact Owner to whomever the meeting ends up being scheduled with. I'm getting stuck when I'm required to indicate who the contact owner should be changed to. I want it to be read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
AFlaherty6 on December 15, 2022
Is it possible to have a signed quote trigger a pop-up form? We need to gather very specific information from clients and am looking for the most efficient way to get them the form once they accept their quote. Thanks!
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