
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Nov 17, 2022
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Courtney Province Quintero

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cprv on January 31, 2023
I am trying to add a default button module to a reusable section template, as well as edit the style parameter to change the button's background color, text color, etc. None of the changes I am making in the style parameter seem to be showing up. He read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
February 02, 2023
Ah, thank you! That worked.
cprv on January 31, 2023
I am trying to add a default button module to a reusable section template, as well as edit the style parameter to change the button's background color, text color, etc. None of the changes I am making in the style parameter seem to be showing up. He read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
February 02, 2023
Ah, thank you! That worked.
HLin on August 02, 2022
I am trying my hand at working with the web development side of HubSpot and going through the tutorials one by one. I've started the "Getting started with modules" tutorial and got through Part 1 without problem. In Part 2, however, when I attempt read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
November 17, 2022
I also ran into this same issue.
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