
Member since ‎Nov 16, 2022
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Jonathan Kopsick

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JKopsick on November 20, 2023
I am aware of a few ways to get parts of this- for example, after a marketing email is published, on that marketing email's page you can see "top engaged contacts" which shows a handful of contacts who opened/clicked it 30+ times, but it only shows read more
JKopsick on November 16, 2022
I've created a "portal" for my sales team in HubSpot, which are folders with targeted prospect lists in each. This has grown over time with 50+ folders intertwined within my account's list display. To finalize moving a list to a folder, you hit read more
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JKopsick on November 16, 2022
When I enter a list view, the companies are automatically organized by either create date or last updated date (I forget which). More often than not, I find myself clicking on the "Company Name" column, which then categorizes the companies alpha read more
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