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PKirova on Dezember 01, 2022
Hi, I have created a Hubspot form with consent checkbox, it is in a popup CTA. However, for some reason, the checkbox and the consent text show one below the other. How can I make them on the same line? This is the page: https://hs.scaleflex.c Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 05, 2022
Hi @PKirova , I am not able to see the suggested CSS on the page, basically you have to target the label of this checkbox and use display- inlin...Beitrag ansehen
PKirova on Dezember 01, 2022
Hi, I have created a Hubspot form with consent checkbox, it is in a popup CTA. However, for some reason, the checkbox and the consent text show one below the other. How can I make them on the same line? This is the page: https://hs.scaleflex.c Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 05, 2022
Hi @PKirova , I am not able to see the suggested CSS on the page, basically you have to target the label of this checkbox and use display- inlin...Beitrag ansehen
KLyons8 on November 28, 2022
I'm trying to design an email and have a holiday-themed background for the overall design, but whenever I add a text box it creates a white background for the text. Is it possible to make the textbox's background transparent if it doesn't cover up t Beitrag ansehen
November 29, 2022
Hi @KLyons8 Yes, we can create an email with transparent background, please share your code so that I can see how you are using the code and g...Beitrag ansehen
DJohnson4 on November 25, 2022
Hi, I have a new form that we are hoping to publish soon. However, we have a very long single-column list for one of the form fields. What I would like to do is break this into 3 columns, so it takes up less room. From speaking to Hubspot suppor Beitrag ansehen
November 29, 2022
Hi David, Please add the below JS in your template or Form through rich text - <script> $(window).load(function(){ var counter=0; $("...Beitrag ansehen
DJohnson4 on November 25, 2022
Hi, I have a new form that we are hoping to publish soon. However, we have a very long single-column list for one of the form fields. What I would like to do is break this into 3 columns, so it takes up less room. From speaking to Hubspot suppor Beitrag ansehen
November 29, 2022
Hi David, Please add the below JS in your template or Form through rich text - <script> $(window).load(function(){ var counter=0; $("...Beitrag ansehen
AKubrin9 on November 22, 2022
Hello, HS Community, I'm having some trouble with the way an email newsletter displays on mobile devices. The stacking order is off. Instead of alternating elements (image, entry, image, entry), I get image, entry, image, image, entry, entry. The Beitrag ansehen
November 24, 2022
Hi @AKubrin9 , This needs to be done on the backend level. From Marketing -> Files and Template -> Design Studios you can access your cod...Beitrag ansehen
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