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Mathias Andsem

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Oktober 10, 2023
@jdemello Just to chime in with a use case, since I would love to have this functionality: We send quite a few transactional emails with ticket-tr...Beitrag ansehen
Juni 02, 2023
Hi @PamCotton It's sadly not just one user, it's everyone as long as they don't have access to both the inbox they move from and to. Regarding per...Beitrag ansehen
FlyingAnds on Juni 01, 2023
Hi all. We have an issue/bug with the functionality "Move to another inbox". When a rep moves a conversation from one inbox to another one that they don't have acess to the "assign to" field and "add comment" fails. The conversation is moved to th Beitrag ansehen
FlyingAnds on März 23, 2023
Hi all. We are experiencing an issue with hubspots threading logic in conversations from certain senders. Pretty much every time they send us an email, from the same adress, it's bulked into the same thread. Even though it's clearly a new email. Wh Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 19, 2022
Yes please! I'm having this issue now with a workflow that's ticket/contact-based. The current workaround is a another workflow that gets the contact...Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 14, 2022
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