
Member since ‎Nov 4, 2022
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Mateusz Kowalski

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HBruce on February 22, 2022
We have created a Custom Object for Sales Tickets and use a pipeline BUT we are not able to make any properties mandatory unless its at the creation stage. We want to be able to make certain properties mandatory at certain pipeline stages. For read more
November 15, 2022
To bo honest I was a bit in shock when I saw that there is no possibility to add mandatory fields in custom obcjects pipeline. This functionality is more
mikee on April 19, 2019
The current behavior for calculated properties is to round to two (or more) decimal places. It would be helpful to instead allow results to be rounded to the nearest whole number (an integer) – instead of two decimal places. Even better would be to read more
74 Replies
November 14, 2022
I would also like to echo that topic. After calculations our prices also often have 5-6 decimals - we are using additional number fields and copying more
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