
Member since ‎Oct 30, 2022
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Lyndon Burrell Jr

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KyleJepson on July 11, 2021
There are a lot of great resources in the world for salespeople to learn how to be better at selling. What's your favorite one? There's no extra credit for sharing HubSpot resources--tell us about one we might not have heard of! *To learn read more
164 Replies
March 31, 2023
Hands down best learning source for me is HubSpot.
KyleJepson on July 11, 2021
Most sales teams understand that it's important to focus on the buyer's needs, but the pressures of being a salesperson make it easy to forget and instead focus on closing the deal. How do you keep your buyer at the heart of your sales process? Sha read more
156 Replies
March 31, 2023
The hardest part about this is context so what helped me out a lot is before we propspect anything or even reach out we try to adjust the offer or more
KyleJepson on July 11, 2021
Companies hire salespeople to sell, but then a host of competing demands and unhelpful systems almost always get in the way. Have a suggestion for how to remove distractions and focus on selling? Share it in the comments below! *To learn m read more
187 Replies
March 31, 2023
I do sales for me and my team I notice its research being wrong OR sometimes its the offer itself but then other times its the customer follow up
agulati on January 06, 2022
A buyer persona is a fictional, generalized representation of your ideal customer. They help you understand your customers and prospective customers better. If you're in the process of conducting research to curate a buyer persona, tell us below! G read more
March 27, 2023
also a lot of testing
agulati on January 06, 2022
A buyer persona is a fictional, generalized representation of your ideal customer. They help you understand your customers and prospective customers better. If you're in the process of conducting research to curate a buyer persona, tell us below! G read more
March 27, 2023
also a lot of testing
KyleJepson on July 11, 2021
HubSpot has a lot of tools for connecting with contacts, and there are a host of other tools sales teams use outside of HubSpot. What's your favorite tool for connecting with people? Share your thoughts in the comments below! *To learn mor read more
1394 Replies
December 27, 2022
Man I would say Video DM or Video Email if not using Video Simple Personalized Emails + Cold Call Follow ups to connect
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