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Elizabeth Mangrum

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ngambuti on Februar 24, 2020
To be able to unmerge contacts. It is often an issue if two different contacts use the same browser, where their activity feed would be combined. To be able to check off which entries you are moving to a new contact, then create that new cont Beitrag ansehen
August 21, 2024
Adding a vote to this one
JVeirs on Juni 24, 2020
It would be very convenient to be able to log activities under a contact which you have a task scheduled for without having to complete the task at the same time. This would allow ease of updating / moving tasks without having to create a new task Beitrag ansehen
86 Antworten
Februar 21, 2024
Side note on this thread - twice in the last week I have encountered this issue (still SUPER frustrating) when there were not any open tasks to compl...Beitrag ansehen
EMangrum4 on September 15, 2023
Can anyone explain why some tasks display a calendar when editing the due date and others show a drop down list of future timeframes (i.e. 2 business days, etc.)? I can't seem to find a commonality or explanation anywhere.
2 Antworten
September 15, 2023
Thanks for the thoughts. I definitely understand why that option appears, but it is not consistent. Both of these were taken from a task, in the spac...Beitrag ansehen
EMangrum4 on September 15, 2023
Can anyone explain why some tasks display a calendar when editing the due date and others show a drop down list of future timeframes (i.e. 2 business days, etc.)? I can't seem to find a commonality or explanation anywhere.
2 Antworten
September 15, 2023
Thanks for the thoughts. I definitely understand why that option appears, but it is not consistent. Both of these were taken from a task, in the spac...Beitrag ansehen
NataliaTorres on Oktober 15, 2019
When I am looking tasks I can filter by state, title, type, date and the owner of the task but I can´t filter by the contact or deal thats is associated with the task and it`s makes difficult the work of my team, because we need to know if a contact Beitrag ansehen
63 Antworten
August 10, 2023
Sigh...really excited to find this was already requested, but really disappointed to see no action on it after almost 4 years. Please give us this op...Beitrag ansehen
JVeirs on Juni 24, 2020
It would be very convenient to be able to log activities under a contact which you have a task scheduled for without having to complete the task at the same time. This would allow ease of updating / moving tasks without having to create a new task Beitrag ansehen
86 Antworten
Februar 21, 2024
Side note on this thread - twice in the last week I have encountered this issue (still SUPER frustrating) when there were not any open tasks to compl...Beitrag ansehen
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