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Apo Zadeh

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mbarba on Februar 16, 2022
Many executives under-appreciate the work operations leaders perform. How do you communicate the value of your work and get buy-in from company leaders on your proposals? Share a story or technique in the comments b Beitrag ansehen
Februar 16, 2023
Hearing them out and seeing whats stressing them Putting their weakness in a scentence (could be positional weakness or professional or personal...Beitrag ansehen
mbarba on Februar 16, 2022
You've probably heard it said a million times that data-driven decisions are the best decisions. However, creating and keeping good data isn’t always an easy thing to come by. There are three main areas you need to invest in Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 27, 2022
1.Process definition is the actions/steps that are taken from 3 sides for any form of communication : 1.PersonA 2.PersonB 3. The medium 2...Beitrag ansehen
KyleJepson on Juli 11, 2021
Sales processes vary a lot from industry to industry and even team to team. Do you have a long sales cycle with lots of steps, or is your sales process simple and transactional? Maybe it's somewhere in between. Share the number of steps in your pro Beitrag ansehen
170 Antworten
Dezember 20, 2022
Im helping a client at the moment with building their Entire small business infrastructure Im currently trying to figure out how to construct th...Beitrag ansehen
JonPayne on Juni 29, 2021
Not all of us have access to a complete data set to be able to calculate our conversion rates to set an SLA between marketing and sales. Join the discussion to get advice on how to create your SLA based on industry estimates. *To learn mor Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 14, 2022
SLA with zero conversion intel! Worse case scenario i would set down and crunch numbers. Gathering data for the last 30 days of customer intera...Beitrag ansehen
mbarba on Februar 16, 2022
Revenue Operations, or RevOps, is integral to taking an inbound approach to business and speeding up your company’s flywheel. Why are those important? Let’s define terms first: Inbound is a method of attracting, e Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 13, 2022
Force example in this case : My Weed store (bite me), had such an incredible response speed, updates on delivery, transparent pricing, whole sale p...Beitrag ansehen
mbarba on Februar 16, 2022
Here at HubSpot, we define Revenue Operations, or RevOps, as the people, processes, systems, and data that control how your business generates revenue. That means that if you work at an organization that generates revenue, Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 09, 2022
Im Apo from Lisbon RevOps to me seems like the magical wheel that we have ben missing for the last decade or so! i mean Founders were critical t...Beitrag ansehen
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