
Member since ‎Oct 26, 2022
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Sarah Ganote

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Sarah_g on July 17, 2023
We would like for round-robin links to look at the availability of team members who sit in different time zones. We have people spread out across the country and we want the meeting link to respect the specific reps' timezone, rather than the timez read more
3 Replies
May 22, 2024
My day was made today!!!
voiceland on October 30, 2020
Hello team, before Hubspot we used Zoho Desk and we had this option Auto Cc e-mail replies to your support mailbox Automatically send a carbon copy (Cc) of all email messages that you send, to your support mailbox. This way all our replies from read more
3 Replies
May 22, 2024
We definitely need this feature! We get better insight into when support replies to an email rather than digging through HubSpot everytime.
Sarah_g on October 24, 2023
Hello All! We currently host our website on Webflow, but due to budget cuts, we will soon not have a web developer. I don't know how to code, I know enough to be dangerous in Canva and things that feel like graphic design or websites for dummies read more
Lucila-Andimol on June 15, 2021
Sometimes when a deal is closed won, with an approved/sign quotes changes must be made (because of a sales misunderstanding or error) Even if the sales team create a new quote for approval, this old quote need to be canceled. We need this functi read more
September 20, 2023
Coming back to this thread because I just noticed an "Archive" button on my quote tool.... is it happening? I don't want to get too excited but does more
Sarah_g on September 19, 2023
The fiscal year is coming up, and we're having issues with the quote tool not allowing us to delay billing without requiring the customer to pay for shipping now. Shipping fees will not change just because the billing start date is a few weeks from read more
0 Reply
Lucila-Andimol on June 15, 2021
Sometimes when a deal is closed won, with an approved/sign quotes changes must be made (because of a sales misunderstanding or error) Even if the sales team create a new quote for approval, this old quote need to be canceled. We need this functi read more
September 20, 2023
Coming back to this thread because I just noticed an "Archive" button on my quote tool.... is it happening? I don't want to get too excited but does more
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