
Member since ‎Oct 24, 2022
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Jill Wallace

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JWallace2 on March 22, 2024
I'd like to be able to select how often a contact is re-enrolled in a workflow. For example, we have a workflow that assigns a task to a sales rep if their contact navigates to a website page that shows purchase intent. This task allows the sa read more
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lindsayroseryan on February 16, 2018
Other messaging tools capture the end user's IP address immediately when they initiate a conversation with a representative. This is a valuable piece of information the ensures that the customer has the best experience possible. There are read more
47 Replies
January 13, 2023
We'd love to see this feature implemented.
walden on February 10, 2022
A number of our support staff and admin staff don't need access to Hubspot so they use outlook. It would be useful if the link could be used for Hubspot in outlook as well. Thanks
November 08, 2022
Agreed, this would be helpful.
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