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Dan Green

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DGreen6 on August 01, 2024
While it appears that this should be the case, I was just informed that Invoice Line Items do not relate to the Contact. As a result, we can not build any customer segmentation list using Invoice Line Item (i.e. products) data. The UI creates Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
SamuelBanks on März 02, 2022
Hey HubSpot We are strong advocates of the Products/Line Items feature in HubSpot and offers great context behind deals. What we're finding with clients and ourselves alike, is the functionality request to be able to associate Products to Tickets Beitrag ansehen
August 01, 2024
Same Issue with Invoice Line Items to Contact
DBerger on Mai 08, 2023
In Stripe, we are able to specify which clients receive payment receipts for Recurring Payments via Email and which don't. We would like that functionality for HubSpot payments.
1 Antwort
Juli 31, 2024
I would like to see a way to turn off this option. At a minimum, the checkbox on the Record Payment window should be "off"'s too easy for the u...Beitrag ansehen
RValentine9 on August 31, 2022
Lots of our deals have to do with entire families, some families have iterations of "First Last, III" or "Dr First Middle Last, Jr". I have created custom objects for prefixes and suffixes, but I would like them to appear in the name portion of Beitrag ansehen
September 21, 2023
Yep...needs to happen
BenCastelli on Dezember 13, 2021
When you use Sum (amount in company currency) on a custom Deals report, the values in the report do not look like currrency. They have no dollar sign and do not have two places after the decimal. It would be very helpful, particularly for peo Beitrag ansehen
11 Antworten
November 15, 2022
Most definitely...seems like a remedial idea that should already be in place.
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