
Member since ‎Oct 18, 2022
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Jill Kinlin

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JKinlin on May 03, 2023
We have an integration with Ring Central that we use on our PC and it logs our calls, etc. Currently I am not finding a way to call from Ring Central through the moblie app. Is there a way to turn the integration on for mobile as well? Thank you read more
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JKinlin on February 21, 2023
I have been searching for a way to show me when customers are answering the phone the most. Example, I am having the best luck when I make calls between 2-4pm based on "X" report. Is there any reporting in Hubspot that will show me that info? read more
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JKinlin on January 10, 2023
Is there a way to make the closed lost reason flow into the deal/contact notes? Right now, when something is marked as closed lost, we force a reason, but that reason stays within the activity and is not in a clear note to quickly see. Thanks in a read more
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4 Replies
January 10, 2023
Thank you! I am new to Hubspot and figuring out the best way to go about things. Appreciate the communuity!
JKinlin on January 10, 2023
Is there a way to make the closed lost reason flow into the deal/contact notes? Right now, when something is marked as closed lost, we force a reason, but that reason stays within the activity and is not in a clear note to quickly see. Thanks in a read more
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4 Replies
January 10, 2023
Thank you! I am new to Hubspot and figuring out the best way to go about things. Appreciate the communuity!
JKinlin on December 20, 2022
Would love to see a report created where we can split out inbound and outbound calls. Is this something that I am missing or is in the works?
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