
Member since ‎Oct 17, 2022
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Ralph Menezes

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JKanchinadham on February 22, 2023
We are looking to integrate Microsoft Ads with HubSpot to track contact conversions and view other KPIs and metrics. We have already connected Google Ads but it seems there is no native integration for Microsoft Ads. Any ideas or suggestions around read more
6 Replies
May 31, 2024
For those not using an external app for this it means an added cost just for this. The idea was submitted here and I think it would be nice when more
Braeden on July 14, 2020
This would be for anyone using workflows to any extent. The idea is that it would be amazing if in the case of an if/then with a delay, if a contact did the thing (is in the "yes" branch) and is in the delay before moving on, we could go in and push read more
8 Replies
May 21, 2024
Update to this- It is possible to have a time delay that's contingent on an event occurrence.
AVara on September 10, 2021
I have a field where I would like to capture data when a lead is created, but I don't want that field overwritten when the lead takes additional actions. Today, the field is overwritten if I can add it as a hidden field on forms. It's been reco read more
21 Replies
May 21, 2024
Major upvote for this!! Our Original Source values keep getting overwritten and it is causing reporting discrepancies. I wish there were a more more
RMenezes on May 02, 2024
Is it possible to do multiple imports (at different times) and add it to the same Contact List instead of creating a new one every time? Or can I only do this using a workflow?
0 upvote
3 Replies
ihertz on April 17, 2023
Hi there, We connected Apollo to Hubspt. I am an admin on Apollo and a super admin on hubspot. I was able to connect my Apollo to my Hubspot user under my name, as well as other members of the team. However when one of my account executives trie read more
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7 Replies
April 04, 2024
We are facing the same issue. I have updated the user's App Marketplace setting to ON and he is still getting that error when connecting his Apollo more
mdrnd on February 11, 2022
Hi all, Hope all is well for everyone. I have a question regarding calculating the time spent on each deal stage. The problem I have is that most of the times we're moving deal stages all at once for deals preventing me to calculate the actu read more
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12 Replies
March 20, 2024
Ahh yes, I missed that. Yeah, I see now. The properties make life so much easier.
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