
Member since ‎Oct 17, 2022
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Lindsey Robertson

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cmichellec on January 30, 2018
As a newer HubSpot user, it would be beneficial for A/B testing to allow testing the same email for different send times. We are trying to find the best time for regularly sending out emails and the size of our contact lists makes the manual workaro read more
85 Replies
December 06, 2022
Wow, 59 (including mine) replies confirming this should be a basic feature available and still nothing? It's pretty humourous that not having the more
kmartinez on September 25, 2020
Currently you have the ability to add multiple reports from the email marketing analytics tab. One of the reports that cannot be added is the "Email Performance Chart" report. This would be a great report to add to the Dashboard as it is a great way read more
November 10, 2022
It would also be nice to be able to export the time spent reading, skimming, glancing metric on the advanced email data as well. When you use more
kmartinez on September 25, 2020
Currently you have the ability to add multiple reports from the email marketing analytics tab. One of the reports that cannot be added is the "Email Performance Chart" report. This would be a great report to add to the Dashboard as it is a great way read more
November 10, 2022
It would also be nice to be able to export the time spent reading, skimming, glancing metric on the advanced email data as well. When you use more
LNRobertson on October 20, 2022
Setting up the Docusign envelope delivery was fairly simple in Workflows. However, I need some guidance on how to initiate another trigger in the same workflow (or a new one) for knowing when the document was signed. Is this possible? The client nee read more
October 21, 2022
Thank you! I didn't have this DocuSign option until I created a new workflow. I was trying to do it all in the same one. I was beginning to think I more
LNRobertson on October 20, 2022
Setting up the Docusign envelope delivery was fairly simple in Workflows. However, I need some guidance on how to initiate another trigger in the same workflow (or a new one) for knowing when the document was signed. Is this possible? The client nee read more
October 21, 2022
Thank you! I didn't have this DocuSign option until I created a new workflow. I was trying to do it all in the same one. I was beginning to think I more
LNRobertson on October 17, 2022
Why are my influenced contacts metric greater than unique opens? I feel influenced contacts should be a smaller contact count.
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3 Replies
October 19, 2022
Yes, I see. Thank you! Wouldn't it make more sense to call the metric "Influenced Instances" or something to that nature? To me, "Influenced more
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