
Colaborador | Partner nivel Elite
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Maren Hogan

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Colaborador | Partner nivel Elite
Noviembre 16, 2023
Worked for me today. Not an elegant solution, but better than the default 1s transition duration.
Colaborador | Partner nivel Elite
Octubre 17, 2023
+1 as well. Trying to do some basic things like gradient button background, custom fonts, etc. which would be easy if it wasn't locked inside an ifra...Leer más
marenhogan en Agosto 17, 2023
Hello! I was having trouble finding an answer to this. I have a HubDB table with a few columns. One of these columns is a multiselect and another is a select column. I am looping through on the front-end to show the options in the multis Leer más
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Colaborador | Partner nivel Elite
Julio 18, 2023
Thanks! It looks like it only returns left, right, etc so I needed to add the text-align piece (above) as well. Appreciate it!
Colaborador | Partner nivel Elite
Julio 18, 2023
Thanks! Adding the text-align did the trick. I wish there was some indication in the documentation as to what exactly it returns. For some items, you...Leer más
marenhogan en Julio 14, 2023
Hello! I am using the Scope CSS tags to add the module ID to my CSS for my module to target that alone. For example: {% scope_css %} .btn { color:red; } {% end_scope_css %} returns something like the following #hs_cos_wrapper_modu Leer más
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