
Member since ‎Oct 12, 2022
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Amy Bagurdes

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FinallyMatt on May 18, 2020
It would be great to be able to see uncategorized emails in the folder view, as well as seeing the attributed folder structure in the list view. It's incredibly hard to see what folder an email is stored in, or if it's even stored in one. In th read more
May 07, 2024
I'm trying to organize all our emails and I can't tell which ones aren't already in a folder. It would be nice to be able to add a column to see more
JuusoK on December 21, 2016
Possibility to revert changes made in contact properties by imported lists. Would help for example in cases where you have mistakenly imported a list that has had incorrect values and you would like to undo the changes it has made on contacts that y read more
21 Replies
September 07, 2023
Yes, please implement this option. Sounds like many people are looking for this to be available.
danmoyle on June 01, 2021
I know we can create a list or use the created-on property, but it would be nice if there were a simple "undo last import" button for beginners who import a list of contacts or companies they need to redo.
6 Replies
September 06, 2023
Agree 100%! I accidentally forgot to check the "Do Not Override" button when importing the last list and having a revert or undo, at least within a more
abrow on March 01, 2021
Currently, Hubspot has the capability to show all the workflows a 'property' is referenced in. I would love to have this feature to be extended to show all the workflows a 'user' is referenced in as well. This would help when onboarding/offboarding read more
37 Replies
June 16, 2023
yes, this would be hugely helpful when needing to replace someone who is receiving notifications in multiple workflows with a new user.
HubspotLOV on March 23, 2023
I have a blog section on my page, it has pagination because there are multiple pages of blogs. However, when I click to go to the next page(s) it defaults to the top of the page. Since the blog section is down further on the page, it is an odd user read more
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HubspotLOV on February 27, 2023
It would be great when using the tab module, to allow for anchor links to open to each tab. I have a link in my in-page menu to the section I have the tab module placed, but I have 4 different tabs, I would like to link to each of the tabs separate read more
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