
Member since ‎Oct 7, 2022
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JSimmondSafpro on January 05, 2023
If I set up a web survey and an email survey, it has to be set up as two seperate surveys which gives me two different sets of results. I would like the same NPS survey to be delivered via email and web, so all responses are considated togeth read more
0 Reply
JSimmondSafpro on November 17, 2022
Hello, The WhatsApp integration is great news, could there be an option on live chat to chat via WhatsApp instead of live chat? Customers could select a link on live chat which automatically creates a new WhatsApp conversation with your business. T read more
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JSimmondSafpro on November 07, 2022
Hello, We are looking to move over to service hub, we have already purchased the module and set up the basics. I envisage a lot of questions/issues when starting out with service hub so am looking to work with somebody who can help tailor service h read more
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2 Replies
bendonahower on July 30, 2020
Chat support is great, so great that the reps are often all taken 🙂 and the support channel is grayed out. It's tough not knowing whether I could check back in 5 minutes or whether it's best to use another support option. With that in mind, read more
9 Replies
October 26, 2022
Do we now have the ability to set up chat queues? We have very high website traffic, and are reluctant to go ahead with live chat, if there isn't a more
JSimmondSafpro on October 25, 2022
Hello, On the pipeline values shown on the report below, are we able to include a % movement from week to week or any period of time as well as the values? It could just be based on the total value in the pipeline (exc lost) rather than the differe read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
RHearnRencore on February 25, 2020
At the moment images in knowledge base are resized which for a presentation point of view is great, unfortunately, sometimes there details shown is too small. It would be wonderful if we have a facility that enlarges the image to full size when clic read more
10 Replies
October 07, 2022
Yes definitely needed, hopefully this is in the pipeline.
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