
Member since ‎Oct 5, 2022
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Peter Praher

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Kristin on May 18, 2017
Currently HubSpot is not configured to allow users to sync Salesforce events with HubSpot - so the data contained in events cannot be mapped. We would like to use HubSpot to send our clients reminder emails for upcoming appointments automatically so read more
31 Replies
September 22, 2023
Is a MUST HAVE for hubspot to be able to migrate from salesforce to Sales Hub, otherwise important events and their documentations are missing...
RBiedenharn on July 15, 2021
During the course of implementing our own "Communication Preferences" page as part on an on-boarding process, we encountered (during testing) the problem of not being able to resubscribe to a subscription type if it had been previously unsubscribed read more
10 Replies
December 14, 2022
Absolutely necessary with API usage... why should e.g. an ecommerce customer not be able to resubscribe in checkout processes? Thats a BIG missing more
PPraher on November 22, 2022
We have the need not only to be able to export workflows, which is available in hubspot, but also to be able to import the workflow! Why is that not possible? Should be easy and would us help to duplicate complicate workflows for other customers, wi read more
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