
Member since ‎Sep 29, 2022
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Bailey Sykes

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GBabayan on January 30, 2023
Hi there, Can anyone suggest me how I can add extra spacing between lines/categories in forms?
1 upvote
8 Replies
July 25, 2024
are there any answers that work for this?
AnkurKhetan on February 02, 2023
I have created a contact form, when I enter the code of that form in video, then a popup of cookies comes, which has to be removed. please solutions
0 upvote
3 Replies
July 25, 2024
This workflow provided as the answer doesnt work in my instance of Hubspot - can anyone else help with this?
Bailey_Sykes on June 25, 2024
Would it be possible to add custom contact properties to a funnel report? We are experimenting with various lead scoring and lifecycle stage automation and i would like to report on when each contact hits a certain stage. This could be benefi read more
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1 Reply
callie on July 22, 2022
We have our main round-robin meeting links that are used for various teams. These meeting links are a part of sequences, marketing emails, and workflows (as both triggers and goals). It would be amazing if, similar to the properties "used in" view, read more
11 Replies
July 07, 2023
This would be really useful - i don't want to be sifting through all of our content looking for meeting links that need to be changed
KBoth3 on January 11, 2022
At the moment HS does not store Job Title as a preference that we can set for our users. It is only done on a Quote level . It would be helpful to have a job title field on the user profile in the settings that can be used across all HubSpot fun read more
June 29, 2023
Any updates on this would be much appreciated
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