
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Feb 28, 2017
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Jimmy H.

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Contributor | Diamond Partner
September 21, 2020
Hi Mark, if you put Alt text on you image, this text wi be shown when people don't accept images. You can use text CTA of course to be sure more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
September 21, 2020
hi Dave, do you know that it already exist ! You can go on your report : then "email this dashboard" and you will be able to define more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
September 07, 2020
Hello, you can do that with an IPhone maybe you are using an android ? i just dit it and it worked. you must get the right to send an more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
September 07, 2020
Hello, i really think that what you want to do is possible with HubSpot, if you want we jump on a 15min call and we check it together ? let more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
March 06, 2020
Hello, l'objet sur lequel il clique est un CTA (Call to Action) ou juste un lien ? cdt
Contributor | Diamond Partner
January 10, 2020
Arg ... j'ai développé un copieur de propriété si cela t'intéresse. C'est rudimentaire mais ça marche 🙂 Par contre ce n'est pas libre d'accè more
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