
Member since ‎Sep 27, 2022
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Christian Schaal

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MMilinovsky on February 18, 2022
As we here use Zimbra as Groupware solution I would like to see an integration over CalDAV to sync the calendars of Hubspot (-users) and the groupware (-users). As CalDAV is a well-known and long established standard for exchanging events, I think t read more
17 Replies
November 29, 2022
Along with a Thunderbird <> HubSpot Sales Extension plugin , CalDAV and CardDAV Support for synching calendar and contacts data would be one more
simenbm on January 27, 2020
In my company some of our employees are using the Thunderbird Email as Outlook is not available to us. The Outlook Sales Extension offers great value in terms of productivity, so it would be great if you would develop it as a plugin for Mozilla Thun read more
November 29, 2022
Along with CalDAV Support , a Thunderbird integration would be one of the most valuable improvements to HubSpot for us. We're not relying on either more
DerrickCameron on June 22, 2020
At present, if you reply by email to a Ticket from the Ticket page, using the Shared Team Email address, HubSpot does not add the Team Signature. However, it does add the Team Signature if you respond to a Ticket from within the Conversation I read more
82 Replies
November 28, 2022
This should be a no-brainer. I've been very irritated about this and as a user I'd expect to attach an email signature every time I answer a ticket. more
MMilinovsky on February 18, 2022
As we here use Zimbra as Groupware solution I would like to see an integration over CalDAV to sync the calendars of Hubspot (-users) and the groupware (-users). As CalDAV is a well-known and long established standard for exchanging events, I think t read more
17 Replies
November 29, 2022
Along with a Thunderbird <> HubSpot Sales Extension plugin , CalDAV and CardDAV Support for synching calendar and contacts data would be one more
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