
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Sep 27, 2022
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Daniel Janis

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SuprateeSeal on September 27, 2022
I have passed the Marketing Software Certification exam but am required to do the practical example which is creating a buyer persona. I have onboarded multiple clients and have conducted this with both the client and previously with our reps from read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
September 27, 2022
The purpose of this practical example is to show the academy professors you understand the principles being taught about buyer personas. You can more
SComeau on September 27, 2022
We recently changed the name of a product EX: XYZ to ZYX. Is there a way to mass update the line items in all Deals to reflect this change? I changed the name inside products but the line items did not update so they contain the old name which is s read more
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4 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
September 27, 2022
This is from the create products in the product library knowledge base article. Line items: when you associate a product with a deal more
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