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Gary Fruchtman


gfruchtman on Abril 25, 2022
Right now, we can see opens on the activity feed, but nothing deeper like whom it was forwarded to, where it was forwarded to. I have seen what appeared to be 10 opens in 5 minutes and I'm "assuming" that the email was forwarded and opened by others Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
0 Respostas
sloxley on Fevereiro 19, 2019
by removing the little "x" on each activity it makes it virtually impossible to easily see the most important activities I need tracked. And your system tracks my internal communications to my colleagues - so once a question/issue is resolved I Leia mais
180 avaliações positivas
96 Respostas
Maio 23, 2019
Hubspots last update which got rid of the "delete" function and batching responses by person instead of subject are ridiculous!! I'm researching alte...Leia mais
sloxley on Fevereiro 19, 2019
by removing the little "x" on each activity it makes it virtually impossible to easily see the most important activities I need tracked. And your system tracks my internal communications to my colleagues - so once a question/issue is resolved I Leia mais
180 avaliações positivas
96 Respostas
Maio 23, 2019
Hubspots last update which got rid of the "delete" function and batching responses by person instead of subject are ridiculous!! I'm researching alte...Leia mais
sloxley on Fevereiro 19, 2019
by removing the little "x" on each activity it makes it virtually impossible to easily see the most important activities I need tracked. And your system tracks my internal communications to my colleagues - so once a question/issue is resolved I Leia mais
180 avaliações positivas
96 Respostas
Maio 23, 2019
Hubspots last update which got rid of the "delete" function and batching responses by person instead of subject are ridiculous!! I'm researching alte...Leia mais
sloxley on Fevereiro 19, 2019
by removing the little "x" on each activity it makes it virtually impossible to easily see the most important activities I need tracked. And your system tracks my internal communications to my colleagues - so once a question/issue is resolved I Leia mais
180 avaliações positivas
96 Respostas
Maio 23, 2019
Hubspots last update which got rid of the "delete" function and batching responses by person instead of subject are ridiculous!! I'm researching alte...Leia mais
sloxley on Fevereiro 19, 2019
by removing the little "x" on each activity it makes it virtually impossible to easily see the most important activities I need tracked. And your system tracks my internal communications to my colleagues - so once a question/issue is resolved I Leia mais
180 avaliações positivas
96 Respostas
Maio 23, 2019
Hubspots last update which got rid of the "delete" function and batching responses by person instead of subject are ridiculous!! I'm researching alte...Leia mais
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