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Julia Mongeau

Dieser Benutzer hat noch keine Beschreibung erstellt. Bearbeite Dein Profil hier.


JuliaMongeau on März 09, 2021
We’re launching a brand new type of content on the Knowledge Base that will help users get up and running quickly with HubSpot: the "Get Started" guides ! There are seven "Get Started" guides that cover HubSpot’s Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
JuliaMongeau on Oktober 13, 2020
👋 Hi there, HubSpot Community! I'm Julia, a technical writer for the HubSpot Knowledge Base . I help curate content for our Sales Hub and Conversations tools. I want to share a tip about a cool feature that you can use with your live chats. Beitrag ansehen
Jonnydk on Juli 19, 2020
Hi, I have read an article that states that HubSpot doesn't know when a formula field is updated on contact in Salesforce. Does anyone have a good workaround that will trick HubSpot into updating those operational fields in HubSpot?
HubSpot Employee
Juli 21, 2020
Hey @Phil_Vallender ! Thank you for flagging this! I'll review this doc and partner with my team to improve the copy.
JuliaMongeau on April 13, 2020
Thank you for your participation! This AMA is now closed. Hi HubSpot Community, We’re the Docs Team here at HubSpot! We create and maintain the help content on . During this time, we know part of your n Beitrag ansehen
FionaCK on Dezember 09, 2019
Can anyone tell me the benefit of importing an Opt-out list? It is my understanding that this process does not create a contact in HubSpot, so what happens to these records? Is there a HubSpot process where a contact is created if someon on an Opt-o Beitrag ansehen
11 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
Dezember 13, 2019
Hey @Phil_Vallender and @MFrankJohnson , Julia from the Docs team here! Thank you for all of your research and findings! I am going to review th...Beitrag ansehen
SteveMatlick on August 13, 2019
Hi, When does HubSpot sync a contact's lifecycle stage to its associated company? We just added a contact to an existing company that had not prior contacts associated and advanced that contact's lifecycle stage to Sales qualified lead manuall Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
August 14, 2019
Hi @Phil_Vallender ! I’m a member of the Self-Service Docs Team here at HubSpot. We create and maintain documentation on the Knowledge Base ...Beitrag ansehen
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