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Enrique Flores

CEO and Digital Consultant at Paula Solutions Inc. Certified HubSpot Provider.


EFlores_Paula en Diciembre 15, 2024
When using the quick "Follow Up" task creation widget in Gmail (integrated with HubSpot), the tool currently creates generic tasks with minimal context. This often leads to a frustrating experience where tasks are hard to identify or understand late Leer más
Colaborador | Partner
Octubre 17, 2024
Thanks Kennedy. I thought I'd submitted as an idea but thanks to you I realized both my placement and wording were sloppy. I've created an idea! ...Leer más
EFlores_Paula en Octubre 17, 2024
Under guided actions, HubSpot always suggests that I reply to no-reply emails. We should change that.
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EFlores_Paula en Octubre 17, 2024
Under guided actions, HubSpot always suggests that I reply to no-reply emails. How do I stop that?
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Colaborador | Partner
Agosto 29, 2024
Agreed. Same thing happens for tickets. Reads like a paragraph. Also, one of the filters at the top should work for tiket status. It's one of the...Leer más
EFlores_Paula en Agosto 16, 2024
If I create a task from a ticket and later associate a company with it, the task name in the tasks panel opens in the coampny object by default. Tasks are quite common for support staff and I would like the The Tasks to open in the Ticket instead Leer más
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