
Member since ‎Sep 20, 2022
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Alex Kaufman

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Geo on February 12, 2019
If Hubspot was able to calcuate gross margin from margin and amount fields it would make the inputting of deals a much more efficient process for our business. It would also make reporting on these figures much simpler, its a basic requirement of an read more
82 Replies
September 18, 2023
Bringing this back up again, it would be great if we could report on margin in the forecasting tool as well. Our companies LOB's bring in wildly more
parryp on November 01, 2018
Hubspot currently has a feature that allows users to set up recurring emails of a chosen Dashboard. Hubspot also has a feature that allows users to create custom reports, and export them to Excel. I want to be able to set up recurring emails of read more
40 Replies
November 28, 2022
Would really like this ability! It would help us take data 'snapshots' to see how data is changing.
AnastasiaSG1 on May 05, 2020
It would be very handy if Hubspot could automatically send Excel Reports. For now Hubspot can only send PDF, PPT and PNG, which I find not very usefull. With Excel Reports sent automatically, we could easily make analysis and share our results with read more
November 09, 2022
I agree! I need to collect a data snapshot on the same day every month. I cant do this if I happen to be gone that day... The report doesn't show more
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