
Member since ‎Sep 20, 2022
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Thibaud Dubrule

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JPieters on July 07, 2022
Hi there, I have an issue with a workflow that is not sending me an internal email notification. It worked on Wednesday but today it is not working. Does anyone have an idea why? Thanks, 😊 Workflow: Internal email: read more
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4 Replies
April 28, 2023
Hi @SToumazos , Did you find the reason yet? I have the same issue. Thanks
NicoleSengers on February 21, 2022
I would love to be able to add in the new association labels using a workflow - rather than needing to do this manually. this would enable businesses who have contact A who makes a booking and Contacts B, C, D etc who attend a course or an event f read more
343 Replies
February 21, 2023
Would love this funcionality: both bulk edits for association labels + set association label in workflows or trigger workflow if no association more
gaylebrimble on February 01, 2017
I have 60+ users that cross 4 regional teams in our HubSpot System. Is there a way I can "Export" the list of users? I want to export the names, data sort into regions and then send out to do a regular audit to ensure any staff that have left the read more
18 Replies
February 05, 2023
Hi @Jaycee_Lewis , Indeed thanks a lot that's what I was looking for. Best, Thibaud
gaylebrimble on February 01, 2017
I have 60+ users that cross 4 regional teams in our HubSpot System. Is there a way I can "Export" the list of users? I want to export the names, data sort into regions and then send out to do a regular audit to ensure any staff that have left the read more
18 Replies
February 05, 2023
Hi @Jaycee_Lewis , Indeed thanks a lot that's what I was looking for. Best, Thibaud
Latchy on July 17, 2018
I would like to see an enhancement that enable being able to capture inbound emails in HubSpot with an "Add Email" button, similar to what Salesforce already has in place for MS Outlook desktop and Office 360. The current Hubspot method to capture e read more
September 23, 2022
Really needed on our side also!
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