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MJ Qureshi

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ELichon on Dezember 16, 2021
In the Customer Portal knowledgebase article , it states that the client has the ability to respond to a closed ticket and re-open it. " They can also reply to a closed ticket if they need to re-open the conversation." The option to respond to Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 31, 2022
Could we please have the functionality of re-opening a closed ticket in Customer Portal?
qureshi on Oktober 27, 2022
When you create a ticket in Customer Portal, it allows you to upload a file (not sure what is the maximum size), but if you want to upload files within the ticket after creation, there's a limitation of 30 MB only. Can it be improved please? Al Beitrag ansehen
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qureshi on September 29, 2022
Currently, we have distributors in different countries working as partners, but obviously one does not know the other. Even though when setting up a ticket, if we choose a ticket owner, the members that are associated with that ticket owner can stil Beitrag ansehen
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