
Member since ‎Sep 12, 2022
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Hana Huyen Nguyen

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HanaHuyenNguyen on August 02, 2024
Hello, Our company using Zoominfo adn Wiza to import contacts from LinkedIn to HubSpot for prospecting purpose. However, the process causes a lot of data quality issues such as duplicates, wrong formating, What are the best practices when it read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
Markafly on July 30, 2024
HI, I have used several Support platforms for the past 15 or more years and have migrated back and forth between products, comanies, etc. I will say I am surprised, and somewhat also dissappointed there is not better onboarding step by step direct read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
August 01, 2024
@Markafly FYI: The reason who did not use normal Zendesk export-Hubspot import function for all data is because it is not possible to migrate all more
Markafly on July 30, 2024
HI, I have used several Support platforms for the past 15 or more years and have migrated back and forth between products, comanies, etc. I will say I am surprised, and somewhat also dissappointed there is not better onboarding step by step direct read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
August 01, 2024
@Markafly FYI: The reason who did not use normal Zendesk export-Hubspot import function for all data is because it is not possible to migrate all more
Markafly on July 30, 2024
HI, I have used several Support platforms for the past 15 or more years and have migrated back and forth between products, comanies, etc. I will say I am surprised, and somewhat also dissappointed there is not better onboarding step by step direct read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
August 01, 2024
@Markafly FYI: The reason who did not use normal Zendesk export-Hubspot import function for all data is because it is not possible to migrate all more
StaceyM on April 27, 2017
I work in a team spread across 4 different time zones. It would be helpful if each of us could have our local time zone associated with our HS profile and that would carry through when I'm scheduling activities or assigning tasks.
225 Replies
July 09, 2024
Much needed feature for a global sales team. 1 timezone affects our forecasting and reporting
HanaHuyenNguyen on June 08, 2023
Hello, We plan to integrate our ecom sales and abandoned cart data from BigCommerce to HubSpot using GrooveCommerce but face some obstacles. Did anyone succesfully do that? Or any suggestion on what would be the best integration service to read more
June 09, 2023
Hi, Thanks for the reply. So our issue is that the abandoned cart URL does not come through correctly and if a person got the second abandoned cart, more
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