
Member since ‎Sep 11, 2022
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Allan Levine

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ALevine2 on October 26, 2023
has anyone ever created a form that can handle something similar to the following logic: user selects from a multi-select list of labels each label in the list is associated to a duration in hours, for example item 1 (5 hours), item 2 (6 hours), read more
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4 Replies
October 26, 2023
Thanks @Mike_Eastwood and @DianaGomez for the fast response. yes, to clarify i was referring to a website visitor (not an internal user) more
ALevine2 on October 26, 2023
has anyone ever created a form that can handle something similar to the following logic: user selects from a multi-select list of labels each label in the list is associated to a duration in hours, for example item 1 (5 hours), item 2 (6 hours), read more
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4 Replies
October 26, 2023
Thanks @Mike_Eastwood and @DianaGomez for the fast response. yes, to clarify i was referring to a website visitor (not an internal user) more
ALevine2 on September 16, 2023
We work with many franchise operators and we have to sell to each location individually. Most of the franchise operators have the same domain name regardless of their location. When we close-win 1 location, HubSpot is changing all the locati read more
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Brownstephen101 on May 20, 2022
Right now, if you have two calculated fields, and one is using the other to generate it's sum. If the first field does not have a value (IE: a rolllup of associated deal values to a company, before any deals are created for that company), then the d read more
12 Replies
August 25, 2023
@MaorL how would you identify a specific sales pipeline
Gumpi on April 14, 2020
HubSpot does not automatically set a value of 0 for empty fields. If any of the number properties used in a custom equation have no value, the calculated property value will be empty. This should be fixed!
36 Replies
August 15, 2023
thanks Rwong do you know how to add a condition in that "If this condition is true, we will calculate this property." deal stage = closed won more
ALevine2 on May 01, 2023
does anyone know if its possible to customize a scheduling page (meeting links)?We dropped a "Schedule demo" button on our home page and my reps are getting scheduled for meetings which is great, the problem is they are getting scheduled by end user read more
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3 Replies
May 02, 2023
Thanks Jarno - I Was thinking about that but once they get the form they have already selected a date/time and the meeting gets booked. I can more
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