
Participant | Partner
Member since ‎Feb 26, 2017
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Paula Agius

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Participant | Partner
April 13, 2023
I was also surprised to find that you can set limits on properties (eg: character limitations and restrictions), but they do not apply to form more
Paula on September 02, 2022
We've requested Payments be made available in Australia, but only ever see statements like, "we can't guarantee when...". It's great that busnesses based in the US have been able to benefit with the use of this feature; don't you think it's time read more
9 Replies
Participant | Partner
June 22, 2022
Upvote! Need this feature; some clients send staff EDMs and often their staff members' work emails are replaced by their personal emails when more
Participant | Partner
June 03, 2022
I'm going to add this here as it's the only somewhat relevant one I can find. If any type of file is used in smart module content, File Manager more
Participant | Partner
May 06, 2022
Hey @roisinkirby - tagging you for a look at this since you responded to some other ideas on posting video to socials. Hoping you can give us some more
Participant | Partner
May 06, 2022
Hey @CamiG - you might like to add your upvote here and follow this one: more
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