
Member since ‎Sep 1, 2022
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Kirsten Boehmer

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CSchulte5 on January 09, 2023
Having a Canva integration to Hubspot is great, but why not make more use of it! With Canva, businesses can design business cards. If Hubspot could maximize the use of their Canva integration and do something like Vistaprint has done with NFC ca read more
November 01, 2023
I agree this is a no-brainer piece of the software that is lacking. I have to create QR codes elsewhere and none of the data from the QR visitor more
HilalAltintas on April 29, 2022
The HubSpot tool itself does not natively have a QR code generator. It would be great having this natively available as a HubSpot feature.
12 Replies
November 01, 2023
I agree this is a no-brainer piece of the software that is lacking. I have to create QR codes elsewhere and none of the data from the QR visitor more
danielrnorris on September 26, 2023
After seeing HubSpot bring Qr Codes to payment links I would love to see a fresh push to bring QR Codes to the CMS Hub and Marketing Forms. Most third party landing page and form builders these days have QR code generation built in as a sharing opti read more
November 01, 2023
I agree this is a no-brainer piece of the software that is lacking. I have to create QR codes elsewhere and none of the data from the QR visitor more
KBoehmer on August 24, 2023
I love the new Deals Insights - I would like those same insights to be available in the other Deal Views as well. Not just the default view. This would allow for easy understanding of the stats in the views that are important to me - such as quickly read more
40 Replies
RT_Maxwell on August 16, 2023
With the rollout of Deal Insights, I have some requests based on immediate feedback. The ability to control the show or hide of insights from the admin level. What if I don't want my users to have that? What if I only want some users to have it read more
11 Replies
August 24, 2023
Good list - Also the ability to have insights on other Deal views would be helpful.
KBoehmer on August 02, 2023
I need help from someone to help me change the color of this navy blue section in my template. It's the header of a form on a landing page. It doesn't seem to be editable. Thank you
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11 Replies
August 03, 2023
This worked! Thanks so much!
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