
Member since ‎Sep 1, 2022
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ozgesila on November 26, 2020
Hello HS Community, We're using Salesforce integration. As you all know Hubspot track and merge multiple email addresses of a contact. So whenever you click details you're seeing the primary and secondary email addresses of the contact. But, read more
July 27, 2023
This is still an important issue. Any ideas for what the best practices should be? @TitiCuisset @Aakar @MeginVA @StefaniUAT
MRudko on October 11, 2021
I'd like to unarchive a contact when certain criteria are met in my integration solution. Is there any Hubspot API that can be used for that in order to automate it? (I know that unacrchiving is possible via Hubspot UI).
1 upvote
3 Replies
September 19, 2022
Are there updates on this?
ASol on September 10, 2022
Can this be a part of the official documentation? 1. how to accessa archived records 2. who archived the record 3. when was it archived I had to browse through 10 forum threads to find the answer to the first question (add `archived=true` to read more
SmitKarbhari on August 30, 2022
Hi Support, Here we passed URL like this Its not working for me. Can you please tell us correct form of passing parameters. Than read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
September 01, 2022
That helps. Thanks!
SmitKarbhari on August 30, 2022
Hi Support, Here we passed URL like this Its not working for me. Can you please tell us correct form of passing parameters. Than read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
September 01, 2022
That helps. Thanks!
SaiR on August 31, 2022
Hi Everyone, I a new to APIs and was struggling to get all contacts for CRM API along with properties. I am able to extract 100 records but was unable to construct a while loop to get all the records. i can see the for another 100 read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
September 01, 2022
can you elaborate what do you mean when you say "unable to loop it"? In the code above you define a function, but never call it. And you might more
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