
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Aug 31, 2022
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Tyler Walsh

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TWalsh5 on April 11, 2023
The order of the personalised token dropdown should be changed to Contact as a default and not company. In my experience contact properties are used more in this.
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TWalsh5 on March 23, 2023
My client requires six main currencies to be added to their portal, but the Sales Starter plan only allows for five. I am looking for suggestions on how to resolve this issue and add one extra property without suggesting that my client upgrade to th read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
March 23, 2023
Sorry needs a bit more context here, cant be a custom property as this will be used for reporting and Quoting - Portal also has no access to more
TWalsh5 on March 23, 2023
My client requires six main currencies to be added to their portal, but the Sales Starter plan only allows for five. I am looking for suggestions on how to resolve this issue and add one extra property without suggesting that my client upgrade to th read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
March 23, 2023
Sorry needs a bit more context here, cant be a custom property as this will be used for reporting and Quoting - Portal also has no access to more
TWalsh5 on March 23, 2023
My client requires six main currencies to be added to their portal, but the Sales Starter plan only allows for five. I am looking for suggestions on how to resolve this issue and add one extra property without suggesting that my client upgrade to th read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
March 23, 2023
Sorry needs a bit more context here, cant be a custom property as this will be used for reporting and Quoting - Portal also has no access to more
MMilinovsky on February 18, 2022
As we here use Zimbra as Groupware solution I would like to see an integration over CalDAV to sync the calendars of Hubspot (-users) and the groupware (-users). As CalDAV is a well-known and long established standard for exchanging events, I think t read more
16 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
January 03, 2023
100% agree - hopefully this is a feature HubSpot adds this year.
TWalsh5 on November 01, 2022
In the team view of the hubspot academy you have to hover each icon to see what certificate you have. Its a pain when you want to evaluate what certificate each team member holds. Ontop of that the top bar with your own certificates isnt a read more
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