
Member since ‎Aug 31, 2022
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Julija Bakmastere

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JB_MD on July 28, 2023
We are in a similar predicament mentioned in the community thread . When a client submits a form, we have a workflow that sets creates a note on a deal with all the relevant information. Unfortunately all the submitted files dipslay as one link and read more
rjonesSolaria on December 02, 2021
I'm very excited to have the beta of creating associations and labeling them between records. But it feels incomplete without the ability to associate records via workflows. My use case is something I've been trying to implement with workarounds si read more
June 20, 2023
This would be a very useful feature. As far as I can see it can be done through 3rd party apps or through the API, but that's putting extra pessure more
romi on November 06, 2019
When using Task Queues the object record displayed, i.e. Contact, Company, Ticket, Deal, was the object that the task was created from. Now if a Company record is associated with the Task this will take precedence and the company record will be read more
4 Replies
April 25, 2023
This would be very beneficial to have. We create tasks through worklows and we have had to stop associating them to companies because of this. more
Hal on June 25, 2019
Really need a report that shows a list of Deals in the Pipeline and how long each individual deal has spent in it's current stage. I can't believe other users aren't clamoring for this... very inportant!!
162 Replies
April 19, 2023
I really hope they make this happen. We are a growing business and this is becoming more and more of a headache for us.
JB_MD on August 31, 2022
Hi there, I am trying to build a report that would show how much time a clinitian has spent on completing a task (from the time it was assigned to time it was completed). Any help would be greaty appreciated! - J.B.
5 Replies
August 31, 2022
Thank you for getting back to me so soon, your help is greatly appreciated!
JB_MD on August 31, 2022
Hi there, I am trying to build a report that would show how much time a clinitian has spent on completing a task (from the time it was assigned to time it was completed). Any help would be greaty appreciated! - J.B.
5 Replies
August 31, 2022
Thank you for getting back to me so soon, your help is greatly appreciated!
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