
Member since ‎Aug 24, 2022
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Konrad Frątczak

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KFrątczak on October 06, 2023
Hi friends, I need help from specialists with two topics 1. How create timestamp property calculated 3 hours before other calculated properties? 2. How mark deals with timestamp property before 12AM and after. Maybe someone meet the same chal read more
October 06, 2023
unfortunattely I don't have operations hub. I hoped that it could be possible with advanced calculation property...
KFrątczak on October 06, 2023
Hi friends, I need help from specialists with two topics 1. How create timestamp property calculated 3 hours before other calculated properties? 2. How mark deals with timestamp property before 12AM and after. Maybe someone meet the same chal read more
October 06, 2023
unfortunattely I don't have operations hub. I hoped that it could be possible with advanced calculation property...
KFrątczak on December 10, 2022
Hi, I need your help 🙂 Every month I pay over 100 Sales Hub seats , only to call from Hubspot. In order to avoid this payment I try to find an application that will allow our sales rep call to call and log calls from mobile devices with automat read more
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