
Member since ‎Aug 24, 2022
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Sofia Tasneem

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S_Tasneem on April 11, 2023
Hello, I need to use the HubSpot Private App access-token in a workflow custom code without hard-coding it and to pass it dynamically. (I cannot use the HubSpot API key). I am using the below 2 lines and hard-coding the private app access token read more
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January 31, 2023
Hello @himanshurauthan Thank you for your reply. Yes, we can add more trigger conditions, but in our requirement, it's not consistent that more
S_Tasneem on January 31, 2023
Hello, I have created a deal-based workflow, and it works when a new deal is created. I would like it to work even when a deal property is updated. For example, the workflow trigger condition is Deal Type - ABC. My workflow should run when the pri read more
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January 24, 2023
Hello @jolle Thank you for your reply. The only issue with creating a conditional section is that when we select a field's choice value, we more
S_Tasneem on January 24, 2023
Hello, We know we can create dependent fields for forms, but I would appreciate your help on how we can create dependent fields on DEAL RECORD. I can see we can create a dependent section based on a field. But my requirement is to display/hide a fi read more
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S_Tasneem on September 15, 2022
Hello, my requirement is to get a few of the deal-associated company properties in a callback function whose values would be used in the next action of workflow. I have developed half of the code but couldn't complete it. It would be helpful if an read more
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