
Member since ‎Aug 23, 2022
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Ignacio Caceres

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ICaceres on May 02, 2023
Hello, currently, we are implementing the OneTrust cookie banner in our blog:, with the autoblocking configuration but we are seeing the pixel ads LinkedIn cookie is still running, do you know how we can block read more
ICaceres on April 27, 2023
how we can block LinkedIn cookies using the OneTrust cookie consent banner script? we now, have to use: <script type="text/plain" class="optanon-category-C0002"> //what is the code to block the LinkedIn cookie? </script> because : read more
ICaceres on March 28, 2023
we are using the Onetrust cookie consent banner, the button "decline all" is not blocking the HubSpot cookie on the blog page. Do you know how to fix this?
ICaceres on March 20, 2023
hello community, In my blog post, I've been using the "rich text content" module and I inserted a "Cta_button" inside the module, in the preview of the blog post I can see the button but when I publish the blog post th read more
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ICaceres on December 27, 2022
Hi Community, How can I copy or clone blog posts to sandbox? I've already had the Sandbox account created. Best Regards.
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ICaceres on September 20, 2022
Hello community, currently, I need to show a list of blog posts with cards like the image below and add an infinite scroll to load more article cards, do you have some documentation how to create the cards and added read more
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